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GCN Circular 3527

Optical Afterglow of GRB 050607
2005-06-07T13:16:16Z (20 years ago)
James Rhoads at STScI <>
James Rhoads reports on behalf of a larger collaboration:
I observed the field of GRB 050607 with the 4m Mayall Telescope
at Kitt Peak, starting on 2005 June 7 UT 09:20:46.
Observations continued until morning twilight at 11:18 UT.

We detect a faint, fading optical source located at
20:00:42.79 +09:08:31.5 (J2000), about 8 arcseconds
from the XRT source.
We calibrated astrometry to the nearby USNO star, located
at 20:00:42.70 9:08:35.0.  Our *relative* astrometry
should be good to < 0.5".

The approximate I band magnitude is 22.65 (statistical error
is 0.1 mag, systematic error is 0.2-0.3 mags) in our first 
exposure, which was 150 seconds commencing 563 seconds
after the burst.

Further analysis of the multiwavelength data set is in progress.
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