GCN Circular 35695
GRB 240205B: ATCA detection of radio counterpart
2024-02-06T22:54:29Z (a year ago)
Sarah Chastain at University of New Mexico <sarahichastain@gmail.com>
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S. Chastain (UNM), G. E. Anderson (Curtin), A. Gulati (USyd), L. Rhodes (Oxford), J. K. Leung (UofT/HUJI),
A. J. van der Horst (GWU) on behalf of the PanRadio GRB collaboration
The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) performed rapid-response follow-up to long GRB 240205B detected by Fermi-GBM (Fermi GBM Team, GCN 35682), Swift-BAT (Moss et al., GCN 35683), and GECAM (Zhang et al., GCN 35689) at the MASTER-OT localization (Lipunov et al., GCN 35684) as part of the Large ATCA "PanRadio GRB" follow-up programme C3542 (PI. Anderson).
The observation was on target by 2024-02-05 at 22:26 UT and ended 11.5 hours later. We detected a candidate radio afterglow at 9 GHz consistent with the MASTER-OT position with a preliminary flux density of ~100 microJy with rms noise of 11 microJy.
Further observations are planned.
We thank the CSIRO Space and Astronomy staff for supporting these observations.
We acknowledge the Gomeroi people as the traditional owners of the Observatory site. The Australia Telescope Compact Array is part of the Australia Telescope National Facility (https://ror.org/05qajvd42) which is funded by the Australian Government for operation as a National Facility managed by CSIRO.