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GCN Circular 35710

IPN triangulation of GRB 240205A (short)
2024-02-09T16:02:13Z (a year ago)
Dmitry Svinkin at Ioffe Institute <>
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D. Svinkin, D. Frederiks, A. Ridnaia, A. Lysenko,
and T. Cline on behalf of the Konus-Wind team,

A. Goldstein, M. S. Briggs, C. Wilson-Hodge,
and E. Burns on behalf of the Fermi GBM team,

E. Bozzo and C. Ferrigno, on behalf of the INTEGRAL SPI-ACS GRB team,


S. Barthelmy, J. Cummings, H. Krimm, D. Palmer, and A. Tohuvavohu
on behalf of the Swift-BAT team,

The short-duration GRB 240205A
(Ferm-GBM detection: The Fermi GBM team, GCN 35679;
Glowbug detection: Cheung, et al.,  GCN 35707)
was detected by Fermi (GBM trigger 728857595), Konus-Wind,
INTEGRAL (SPI-ACS), and Swift (BAT) at about 73591 s UT (20:26:31).
The burst was outside the coded field of view of the BAT.

We have triangulated this GRB to the following annuli:
annulus          R.A.     Dec.     R     dR (3sigma)
                (deg)    (deg)   (deg)     (deg)
Konus-GBM     297.778  -19.219  40.665  0.735
GBM-SPI-ACS   180.960   84.546  70.289  6.208
The annuli intersect to form a long 60.9 sq.deg (3 sigma)
localization region.

This localization may be improved.

A triangulation map and HEALPix FITS file are posted at

The Konus-Wind time history and spectrum will be given
in a forthcoming GCN Circular.

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