GCN Circular 35794
GRB 240218A: VLA detection
2024-02-26T01:13:49Z (a year ago)
Genevieve Schroeder at Northwestern University <genevieveschroeder@u.northwestern.edu>
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G. Schroeder (Northwestern), C. Peña, T. Laskar (Utah), K. D. Alexander (Arizona) report:
"We observed GRB 240218A (Page et al., GCN 35742; Veres et al., GCN 35755; Svinkin et al., GCN 35758) with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) under program 24A-299 (PI: Laskar) beginning on 2024 Feb 23 at 09:38:35 UT (5.32 days post-burst) for 2.5 hours at multiple frequencies.
In preliminary analysis, we clearly detect a radio source at a mean frequency of 9.8 GHz with a flux density of ~280 microJy at the position:
RA(J2000) = 10:47:11.480
Dec(J2000) = +01:16:35.29
with an uncertainty of ~0.2" in each coordinate. This position is consistent with the X-ray position (Evans et al. GCN 35748) but offset (~2.7") from the preliminary NIR afterglow position reported by D'Avanzo et al. (GCN 35747). Further observations are planned.
We thank the VLA staff for scheduling and executing these observations."