GCN Circular 35971
GRB 240315C / X-ray transient EP240315a: Swift/BAT detection
2024-03-21T15:47:43Z (8 months ago)
Jimmy DeLaunay at Penn State <delauj2@gmail.com>
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James DeLaunay (PSU), Aaron Tohuvavohu (U Toronto), Dmitry Svinkin (Ioffe Institute), Samuele Ronchini (PSU), Gayathri Raman (PSU), Jamie A. Kennea (PSU), Tyler Parsotan (NASA GSFC) report:
Swift/BAT did not localize GRB 240315C onboard (T0: 2024-03-15T20:10:44 UTC, EP240315a GCN 35931, GRB 240315C GCN 35966).
Swift/BAT detects the emission starting at ~T0 + 350 s and lasts for ~70 s. The rates data shows the emission through all energy bins, ranging from 15 keV to 350 keV. No formal spectral analysis has been performed, but the hardness seems to be in the typical range for GRBs.
No event mode or survey mode data was available at the time due to being in a slew, so no imaging localization is possible.