GCN Circular 36069
GRB 240411B: 1.3m DFOT Optical observations
2024-04-12T10:52:24Z (10 months ago)
Amit Kumar Ror at ARIES <mitturor77894@gmail.com>
Amit K. Ror, Anshika Gupta, Rahul Gupta, Amar Aryan, Saurabh, and Shashi B.
Pandey (ARIES) report:
We observed the field of GRB 240411B detected by Swift (Parsotan et al.,
2024 GCN 36063) with the 1.3m Devasthal Fast Optical Telescope (DFOT),
located at the Devasthal Observatory of the Aryabhatta Research Institute
of Observational Sciences (ARIES), India. The observations were started on
2024-04-11 at 19:06:28 UT, i.e., ~ 3.56 hours after the BAT trigger. We
have taken multiple frames with an exposure time of 300 s in the R filter.
We stacked the images after the alignment. We clearly detected an optical
afterglow (Izzo et al., 2024, GCN 36064; Schneider et al., 2024, GCN 36067)
in our final stacked image within the error box of enhanced Swift-XRT
observation (Goad et al., 2024, GCN 36065). The estimated preliminary
magnitude is as follows:
Date Start_UT T_start-T0 (hours) Filter Exp time (s) Limiting magnitude
2024-04-11 19:06:28 UT 3.56 R 300*15 22.34 +/- 0.11
The detection of the afterglow is consistent with the observations of Izzo
et al. 2024, GCN 36064, and Schneider et al. 2024, GCN 36067.
The given magnitude value is not corrected for the Galactic and host
extinctions in the direction of the GRB afterglow. Photometric calibration
is performed using the standard stars from the USNO-B1.0 catalog. This
circular may be cited.