GCN Circular 36130
EP 240414a: BOOTES-4/MET Optical Upper Limits
2024-04-16T06:23:58Z (a year ago)
Dingrong Xiong at Yunnan Observatories of CAS, China <xiongdingrong@ynao.ac.cn>
legacy email
D. R. Xiong, J. M. Bai, J. R. Mao, Y. F. Fan, K. Ye, C. J. Wang, Y. X. Xin, B. L. Lun, J. J. Zhang, X. H. Zhao, L. Xu, K. X. Lu, X. Ding, D. Q. Wang (Yunnan Observatories), A. J. Castro-Tirado, E. Fernandez-Garcia, Y. D. Hu (IAA-CSIC) and C. J. Perez del Pulgar (UMA) on behalf of the BOOTES team report:
We observed the X-ray transient with R.A. = 191.498 deg, DEC = -9.695 deg, and did not found any optical counterpart within an uncertainty of 3 arcmin in radius compared to the PanSTARRS DR1 image. The upper limits of magnitudes (without being corrected for Galactic extinction) are given as follows.
Tmid-T0 (day) | UT (start) | Upper Limit (error) | Exposure Time | Filter
0.23 | 24-04-14 15:24:00 | 17.446 (0.06) | 60*20s | Clear
The Burst Optical Observer and Transient Exploring System (BOOTES, bootes.iaa.es) is a completed world-wide network of robotic telescopes led at IAA-CSIC (Spain) which aims at following-up transients and other astrophysical sources in the sky for which the first station was installed in 1998 (Castro-Tirado et al. 1999). The fourth station of the BOOTES Network, BOOTES-4/MET, is located at the Lijiang Observatory of the Yunnan Observatories of China (Xiong et al. 2020). See also Hu et al. (2021). We acknowledge the support of BOOTES-4 technical staffs.