GCN Circular 36216
GRB240421B: BOOTES-5/JGT optical upper limit
2024-04-21T21:10:58Z (10 months ago)
Edited On
2024-04-22T14:55:59Z (10 months ago)
Youdong HU at INAF-OAB <huyoudong072@hotmail.com>
Edited By
Vidushi Sharma at NASA GSFC/UMBC <vidushi.sharma@nasa.gov> on behalf of Youdong HU at INAF-OAB <huyoudong072@hotmail.com>
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E. Fernandez-Garcia, I. Perez-Garcia, M.D. Caballero-Garcia, R. Sanchez-Ramirez, S. Guziy, S.-Y. Wu and A. J. Castro-Tirado (IAA-CSIC, Granada), Y.-D. Hu (INAF-OAB), D. Hiriart and W. H. Lee (UNAM), C. J. Perez del Pulgar (UMA), I. M. Carrasco-Garcia (SMA) and I. H. Park (SKKU), on behalf of a larger collaboration, report:
Following the detection of GRB 240421B by Swift (Williams et al. GCNC 36208), the BOOTES-5/JGT 0.6m robotic telescope at Observatorio Astronomico Nacional in San Pedro Martir (Mexico) automatically observed the GRB location starting on April. 21, 09:43:44 UT (~ 50 s after trigger). No new optical source is detected on the co-added images (20 x 1 s, clear-filter) within the enhanced Swift/XRT error box (Beardmore et al. GCNC 36213) down to 18.4 mag. which is consistent with both reports from UVOT (Kuin et al., GCNC 36214) and WINTER (Karambelkar et al. GCNC 36215).
We thank the staff at Observatorio Astronomico Nacional in San Pedro Martir for their excellent support.