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GCN Circular 36302

LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed: Further near-infrared observations with Subaru/MOIRCS by J-GEM Collaboration
2024-04-25T14:19:57Z (10 months ago)
Tomoki Morokuma at Chiba Institute of Technology <>
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Tomoki Morokuma (ARC/Chitech), Nozomu Tominaga, Kenshi Yanagisawa, Ichi Tanaka, Michitoshi Yoshida (NAOJ), Kazuya Matsubayashi (U. of Tokyo), Hiroshi Akitaya (ARC/Chitech), Ryusei Hamada, Daisuke Suzuki (Osaka U), Narikazu Higuchi, Mahito Sasada, Hibiki Seki, Ichiro Takahashi, Shigeaki Joshima, Haruna Hagio, Yoshiyuki Kubo (Tokyo Tech), Satoshi Honda, Jun Takahashi, Tomohito Ohshima (Univ. of Hyogo/NHAO), Koji Kawabata, Tatsuya Nakaoka (Hiroshima U.), Ryosuke Itoh (Ibara City), Mitsuru Kokubo, Natsuki Hayatsu, Hidekazu Hanayama (NAOJ), Takahiro Kanai, Yumiko Oasa (Saitama Univ.), Katsuhiro L. Murata, Kenta Taguchi, Kouji Ohta, Miho Kawabata, Keiichi Maeda (Kyoto U.), Takayoshi Kusune (Nagoya University), Yuu Niino (U. of Tokyo), Yuichiro Sekiguchi (Toho University), Masaomi Tanaka (Tohoku University), Yousuke Utsumi (SLAC) report on behalf of Japanese Collaboration for Gravitational-Wave Electro-Magnetic Follow-up (J-GEM) collaboration: 

We conducted near-infrared (Y and Ks bands) imaging observations of 105 GLADE galaxies (Dalya, G. et al. 2018, MNRAS, 479, 2374) in the localization region of the gravitational wave event LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed (GCN 36236) using the Multi-Object InfraRed Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS; 3.9x6.9 arcmin^2 field-of-view; Suzuki, R. et al. 2008, PASJ, 60, 1347; Ichikawa, T. et al. 2006, SPIE, 6269, 38) on the 8.2-m Subaru telescope. We started our observations at UT 2024-04-24 05:18, about 31.7 hours after the event. Most of these 105 GLADE galaxies were not observed with Subaru/MOIRCS on UT 2024-04-23 (GCN 36265). The list of the observed galaxies is shown in the table below. We also took Y and Ks band images for transient candidates reported in GCN 36263, 36267, and 36273. The exposure times are 15 and 15-20 seconds in Y and Ks bands, respectively. 
The data were reduced with the MCSRED (Tanaka, I. et al. 2011, PASJ, 63, S415) and detailed examination of the obtained data is now underway. 

Observed galaxies
GL075344-262712 07:53:43.70 -26:27:11.52 
GL075736-263533 07:57:36.00 -26:35:32.64 
GL075745-312020 07:57:44.76 -31:20:20.40 
GL075900-241119 07:58:59.20 -24:11:18.96 
GL075906-305442 07:59:05.71 -30:54:42.12 
GL075951-284307 07:59:50.97 -28:43:07.32 
GL080004-274149 08:00:04.10 -27:41:49.20 
GL080019-244809 08:00:18.96 -24:48:08.64 
GL080037-262017 08:00:37.20 -26:20:16.80 
GL080121-325937 08:01:21.45 -32:59:37.32 
GL080138-294027 08:01:38.30 -29:40:26.40 
GL080156-232917 08:01:55.84 -23:29:17.52 
GL080231-224547 08:02:30.62 -22:45:46.80 
GL080305-224100 08:03:05.44 -22:41:00.24 
GL080332-223418 08:03:31.72 -22:34:18.12 
GL080426-380023 08:04:25.77 -38:00:22.68 
GL080444-313845 08:04:44.35 -31:38:45.24 
GL080513-281754 08:05:13.36 -28:17:54.24 
GL080531-224000 08:05:30.93 -22:40:00.48 
GL080604-222712 08:06:04.29 -22:27:12.24 
GL080615-312154 08:06:14.71 -31:21:54.36 
GL080630-342242 08:06:29.73 -34:22:41.88 
GL080635-251122 08:06:34.99 -25:11:22.20 
GL080640-305102 08:06:39.74 -30:51:01.80 
GL080714-315729 08:07:13.56 -31:57:29.52 
GL080720-293536 08:07:20.01 -29:35:36.60 
GL080720-244703 08:07:20.28 -24:47:03.48 
GL080847-305655 08:08:46.96 -30:56:55.32 
GL080850-243120 08:08:49.87 -24:31:20.28 
GL080912-243444 08:09:12.36 -24:34:44.04 
GL080938-303917 08:09:38.20 -30:39:17.28 
GL081000-202700 08:09:59.73 -20:26:59.64 
GL081024-302051 08:10:24.12 -30:20:50.64 
GL081135-314704 08:11:35.18 -31:47:04.20 
GL081135-240855 08:11:35.40 -24:08:55.32 
GL081137-290405 08:11:37.39 -29:04:05.16 
GL081145-340542 08:11:45.12 -34:05:42.00 
GL081200-243339 08:11:59.20 -24:33:38.52 
GL081205-312547 08:12:04.63 -31:25:47.28 
GL081206-292357 08:12:06.28 -29:23:56.76 
GL081214-290821 08:12:14.01 -29:08:20.76 
GL081225-271157 08:12:25.05 -27:11:57.48 
GL081239-315224 08:12:38.66 -31:52:24.24 
GL081311-310427 08:13:11.13 -31:04:26.40 
GL081312-280235 08:13:11.52 -28:02:34.44 
GL081317-262020 08:13:17.06 -26:20:19.68 
GL081330-204609 08:13:29.92 -20:46:09.12 
GL081340-211703 08:13:40.00 -21:17:03.12 
GL081351-323922 08:13:51.43 -32:39:21.60 
GL081401-243845 08:14:00.98 -24:38:44.52 
GL081406-262747 08:14:05.64 -26:27:46.44 
GL081417-311627 08:14:17.49 -31:16:27.12 
GL081435-331123 08:14:35.20 -33:11:22.92 
GL081438-331902 08:14:37.60 -33:19:01.92 
GL081451-342315 08:14:50.52 -34:23:14.64 
GL081456-331857 08:14:55.56 -33:18:56.88 
GL081503-331523 08:15:02.97 -33:15:22.68 
GL081506-300753 08:15:05.83 -30:07:52.68 
GL081550-311104 08:15:50.08 -31:11:04.20 
GL081623-233218 08:16:23.44 -23:32:17.88 
GL081651-314535 08:16:50.64 -31:45:35.28 
GL081659-233123 08:16:58.87 -23:31:22.80 
GL081727-275926 08:17:27.40 -27:59:25.80 
GL081728-315121 08:17:28.44 -31:51:20.88 
GL081729-222931 08:17:29.35 -22:29:30.84 
GL081743-203614 08:17:42.55 -20:36:14.04 
GL081756-324248 08:17:55.94 -32:42:48.24 
GL081801-161400 08:18:00.60 -16:13:59.88 
GL081827-260446 08:18:27.02 -26:04:46.20 
GL081840-285532 08:18:40.41 -28:55:32.16 
GL081842-263441 08:18:42.33 -26:34:41.16 
GL081843-334427 08:18:43.27 -33:44:27.24 
GL081854-324543 08:18:54.19 -32:45:43.20 
GL081904-301803 08:19:03.62 -30:18:03.24 
GL081905-310416 08:19:04.94 -31:04:16.32 
GL081907-255038 08:19:07.29 -25:50:38.04 
GL081908-301502 08:19:08.25 -30:15:02.16 
GL081925-331610 08:19:24.88 -33:16:09.84 
GL081943-322328 08:19:43.00 -32:23:27.96 
GL081952-211319 08:19:51.79 -21:13:19.20 
GL082000-211900 08:19:59.08 -21:19:00.12 
GL082008-195842 08:20:07.75 -19:58:41.88 
GL082009-210955 08:20:09.04 -21:09:54.72 
GL082029-183327 08:20:29.08 -18:33:26.64 
GL082051-284958 08:20:50.66 -28:49:58.08 
GL082110-181309 08:21:10.20 -18:13:08.76 
GL082115-281904 08:21:15.02 -28:19:03.72 
GL082117-315346 08:21:16.77 -31:53:45.96 
GL082204-201701 08:22:03.64 -20:17:00.96 
GL082208-254244 08:22:07.58 -25:42:44.28 
GL082214-204154 08:22:14.35 -20:41:54.24 
GL082220-205627 08:22:19.75 -20:56:27.24 
GL082220-285220 08:22:19.96 -28:52:20.28 
GL082242-324040 08:22:42.26 -32:40:39.72 
GL082249-294256 08:22:49.34 -29:42:55.80 
GL082314-253706 08:23:14.28 -25:37:05.52 
GL082354-271106 08:23:54.16 -27:11:06.36 
GL082416-315147 08:24:16.39 -31:51:47.52 
GL082551-261311 08:25:50.68 -26:13:10.56 
GL082619-205052 08:26:19.20 -20:50:52.08 
GL082658-155219 08:26:58.41 -15:52:18.84 
GL082731-175525 08:27:30.91 -17:55:25.32 
GL082744-210647 08:27:44.37 -21:06:47.16 
GL082847-274313 08:28:47.32 -27:43:12.36 
GL083041-194242 08:30:40.84 -19:42:42.48
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