GCN Circular 36306
LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed: PRIME near-infrared observations
2024-04-25T16:12:11Z (9 months ago)
O. Guiffreda at UMD <oriogui@umd.edu>
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O. Guiffreda (UMD), J. Durbak (UMD), E. Troja (U Rome), R.Hamada (Osaka U), T, Nagano (Osaka U), A. S. Kutyrev (NASA/GSFC, UMD), D. Suzuki (Osaka U), T. Sumi (Osaka U), K. De (MIT), S. B. Cenko (NASA/GSFC),
Following the report of the LVK gravitational wave candidate S240422ed (GCN 36236, GCN 36240), we began tiling the field in J band with PRIME. Each tile has an exposure of approximately 900 s to reach a sensitivity of J~21 AB mag. Observations began on 2023-04-23 17:01 UTC and are currently ongoing.
Our pointings are reported to the TreasureMap (Wyatt et al., 2020): https://treasuremap.space/alerts?graceids=S240422ed
Data reduction and analysis is in progress.
PRIME is a 1.8m telescope with 1.56 square degree FOV (0.5 arcsec/pixel) located in Sutherland, South Africa at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) (Kutyrev et al. 2023, Yama et al. 2023).
We thank the staff at SAAO for their support with these observations.