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GCN Circular 36316

LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S240422ed: Continued Magellan Observations
2024-04-26T14:38:58Z (9 months ago)
Ryan Foley at UC Santa Cruz <>
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A. L. Piro, J. D. Simon (Carnegie), A. Polin (Carnegie/Purdue), D. A. Coulter (STScI), M. R. Drout (Toronto), R. J. Foley, and C. Rojas-Bravo (UC Santa Cruz)

report on behalf of the Carnegie Gravitational wave ElectroMagnetic follow-up (CGEM) and the One-Meter Two-Hemisphere (1M2H) collaborations:

We have continued our galaxy-targeted search (GCN 36244, GCN 36267) for optical counterparts to the candidate gravitational wave event S240422ed (GCN 36236) using Teglon (Coulter 2021) with the LDSS-3 imager on the 6.5m Magellan Clay telescope.  We obtained a series of 120-second i-band images targeting galaxies coincident with the 3D localization of S240422ed.  We performed a preliminary search of the data by comparing to archival Pan-STARRS (Chambers et al., 2016) and DECaPS2 (Saydjari et al. 2022) images, and found no obvious transient sources near the targeted galaxies.  However, we note that several images were deeper than the comparison images, precluding the exclusion of some faint sources detected in only the new images as transient sources.  The images have typical depths of i~21.5-22.5 mag, varying with seeing and airmass.

We thank Marcelo Mora, Povilas Palunas, and the rest of the LCO staff for making these observations possible.

Below we provide a list of targeted galaxies (including those previously listed in GCN 36244 for completeness) and observation details.

     Galaxy            RA           Dec       Filter   Start (UT)  Date (UT)
86096              07:52:28.3   -25:55:06.4   i_Sloan   01:00:32   2024-04-25
07534680-2656186   07:53:46.8   -26:56:18.6   i_Sloan   23:19:39   2024-04-23
07543602-2134176   07:54:36.0   -21:34:17.1   i_Sloan   23:24:13   2024-04-23
07550406-2137197   07:55:04.0   -21:37:19.9   i_Sloan   03:13:16   2024-04-25
07552968-2203256   07:55:29.7   -22:03:25.4   i_Sloan   23:27:14   2024-04-23
07560574-2254025   07:56:05.8   -22:54:02.0   i_Sloan   23:33:13   2024-04-23
79057              07:56:17.0   -22:07:36.9   i_Sloan   03:26:51   2024-04-25
07595685-2210083   07:57:41.8   -21:53:12.7   r_Sloan   00:06:20   2024-04-24
ESO561-004         07:58:18.6   -20:40:09.3   i_Sloan   02:33:12   2024-04-25
07582363-2159463   07:58:23.6   -21:59:46.0   i_Sloan   23:38:36   2024-04-23
79228              07:58:40.1   -22:05:11.4   i_Sloan   01:44:41   2024-04-25
07585448-2217184   07:58:50.3   -22:17:15.1   i_Sloan   23:56:33   2024-04-23
07585614-2220434   07:58:56.2   -22:20:42.9   i_Sloan   23:46:48   2024-04-23
79263              07:59:13.4   -22:28:44.6   i_Sloan   00:00:08   2024-04-24
79305              07:59:52.7   -19:47:48.3   i_Sloan   01:03:50   2024-04-25
07595685-2210083   07:59:56.9   -22:10:08.0   i_Sloan   00:02:37   2024-04-24
08000411-2741493   08:00:04.1   -27:41:49.0   i_Sloan   00:20:15   2024-04-24
86114              08:00:19.0   -24:48:08.6   i_Sloan   00:23:34   2024-04-24
08001933-2225390   08:00:19.4   -22:25:38.8   i_Sloan   00:46:04   2024-04-25
08005056-2718507   08:00:50.6   -27:18:50.3   i_Sloan   00:28:13   2024-04-24
08005453-2722597   08:00:54.5   -27:22:59.6   i_Sloan   00:32:12   2024-04-24
08010965-2426127   08:01:09.7   -24:26:12.6   i_Sloan   00:36:45   2024-04-24
86116              08:01:16.7   -18:22:40.4   i_Sloan   02:08:39   2024-04-25
08011925-2545475   08:01:19.3   -25:45:47.2   i_Sloan   00:52:29   2024-04-24
79455              08:02:23.5   -24:51:16.8   i_Sloan   02:19:21   2024-04-25
85985              08:02:56.1   -17:38:41.9   i_Sloan   00:43:05   2024-04-25
79513              08:03:05.2   -26:12:00.2   i_Sloan   03:32:54   2024-04-25
08030545-2241003   08:03:05.5   -22:41:00.1   i_Sloan   00:39:45   2024-04-25
79523              08:03:17.8   -22:21:44.9   i_Sloan   00:56:22   2024-04-24
08032043-2438176   08:03:20.5   -24:38:17.2   i_Sloan   01:00:16   2024-04-24
AT2024hdo          08:03:28.0   -26:00:43.6   i_Sloan   00:36:42   2024-04-25
79567              08:03:56.2   -22:45:18.3   i_Sloan   01:55:28   2024-04-25
79594              08:04:16.1   -22:50:23.2   i_Sloan   01:03:35   2024-04-24
08041619-2250225   08:04:16.2   -22:50:22.0   i_Sloan   01:06:41   2024-04-24
79611              08:04:30.8   -21:07:41.8   i_Sloan   01:10:47   2024-04-24
08043558-2509271   08:04:35.6   -25:09:26.6   i_Sloan   01:14:23   2024-04-24
08045252-2332340   08:04:52.6   -23:32:33.8   i_Sloan   01:17:46   2024-04-24
08045440-2809421   08:04:54.4   -28:09:41.9   i_Sloan   01:48:13   2024-04-25
79659              08:05:13.4   -28:17:53.9   i_Sloan   01:21:12   2024-04-24
79662              08:05:16.7   -22:49:20.6   i_Sloan   01:24:38   2024-04-24
08052595-1952404   08:05:26.0   -19:52:40.2   i_Sloan   01:59:05   2024-04-25
86141              08:05:31.0   -22:40:00.1   i_Sloan   00:53:42   2024-04-25
08054271-2019104   08:05:42.7   -20:19:10.7   i_Sloan   01:28:03   2024-04-24
79738              08:06:04.3   -22:27:12.1   i_Sloan   01:33:13   2024-04-24
79786              08:06:35.0   -25:11:21.9   i_Sloan   01:40:37   2024-04-24
79842              08:07:20.3   -24:47:03.4   i_Sloan   01:43:57   2024-04-24
79859              08:07:27.0   -21:30:47.8   i_Sloan   01:47:18   2024-04-24
79872              08:07:32.2   -23:24:07.8   i_Sloan   01:50:35   2024-04-24
08074766-1647407   08:07:47.7   -16:47:40.6   i_Sloan   01:53:41   2024-04-24
79934              08:08:18.5   -18:41:07.5   i_Sloan   01:56:51   2024-04-24
861462             08:08:39.1   -18:58:10.5   i_Sloan   02:13:20   2024-04-24
79992              08:08:45.6   -19:59:04.2   z_Sloan   02:30:28   2024-04-24
79993              08:08:46.5   -19:58:50.3   z_Sloan   02:33:25   2024-04-24
79997              08:08:49.9   -24:31:20.2   i_Sloan   01:21:21   2024-04-25
08085158-1850516   08:08:51.6   -18:50:51.2   i_Sloan   02:53:03   2024-04-24
08085438-1539412   08:08:54.4   -15:39:41.1   i_Sloan   02:56:29   2024-04-24
80022              08:09:02.6   -24:27:02.7   i_Sloan   03:01:36   2024-04-24
80028              08:09:07.6   -18:11:58.8   i_Sloan   03:04:55   2024-04-24
08091236-2434441   08:09:12.4   -24:34:44.2   i_Sloan   03:08:28   2024-04-24
86157              08:09:15.1   -18:40:42.5   i_Sloan   03:11:52   2024-04-24
ESO561-018         08:09:15.2   -18:39:52.9   i_Sloan   01:07:11   2024-04-25
80053              08:09:19.3   -18:28:24.8   i_Sloan   03:14:45   2024-04-24
80060              08:09:24.3   -18:32:03.1   i_Sloan   03:18:03   2024-04-24
80061              08:09:24.5   -18:27:47.4   i_Sloan   03:22:01   2024-04-24
08095686-1812076   08:09:56.8   -18:12:07.7   i_Sloan   03:23:19   2024-04-25
80133              08:09:59.7   -20:26:59.5   i_Sloan   03:25:16   2024-04-24
80140              08:10:04.0   -18:02:03.5   i_Sloan   02:12:27   2024-04-25
08103700-1811480   08:10:37.1   -18:11:48.0   i_Sloan   03:28:51   2024-04-24
891963             08:10:51.5   -16:53:49.1   i_Sloan   03:29:49   2024-04-25
80222              08:10:55.9   -18:05:15.0   i_Sloan   03:32:28   2024-04-24
80239              08:11:02.4   -17:01:51.7   i_Sloan   02:05:32   2024-04-25
80249              08:11:06.0   -23:41:21.3   i_Sloan   03:36:16   2024-04-25
80293              08:11:35.4   -24:08:54.7   i_Sloan   03:36:36   2024-04-24
3085162            08:11:58.4   -16:49:33.3   i_Sloan   03:39:56   2024-04-24
80342              08:12:12.9   -17:00:38.9   i_Sloan   03:43:25   2024-04-24
80350              08:12:16.7   -21:47:19.0   i_Sloan   02:15:48   2024-04-25
08131151-2802346   08:13:11.5   -28:02:34.7   i_Sloan   03:46:47   2024-04-24
80468              08:13:37.8   -20:59:46.7   i_Sloan   03:52:46   2024-04-24
80539              08:14:21.3   -15:28:22.9   i_Sloan   02:26:22   2024-04-25
906392             08:14:21.8   -15:47:45.0   i_Sloan   01:51:50   2024-04-25
80596              08:14:50.1   -22:46:14.7   i_Sloan   03:55:35   2024-04-24
909683             08:15:01.6   -15:33:07.6   i_Sloan   01:27:59   2024-04-25
08150201-2253489   08:15:02.0   -22:53:48.7   i_Sloan   01:41:25   2024-04-25
80646              08:15:17.4   -15:35:01.6   i_Sloan   01:14:05   2024-04-25
80665              08:15:29.1   -15:44:02.8   i_Sloan   02:39:58   2024-04-25
08153710-1720514   08:15:37.1   -17:20:51.0   i_Sloan   03:20:07   2024-04-25
08161352-2130238   08:16:13.5   -21:30:23.6   i_Sloan   01:24:35   2024-04-25
08163364-2039438   08:16:33.7   -20:39:43.4   i_Sloan   01:10:21   2024-04-25
08164547-2036118   08:16:45.5   -20:36:11.7   i_Sloan   01:17:58   2024-04-25
08171213-1832346   08:17:12.1   -18:32:34.7   i_Sloan   01:38:13   2024-04-25
6dFJ0817278-1501   08:17:27.8   -15:01:33.7   i_Sloan   02:58:43   2024-04-25
80844              08:17:29.3   -22:29:30.7   i_Sloan   03:16:45   2024-04-25
900792             08:18:00.6   -16:13:59.6   i_Sloan   00:56:58   2024-04-25
80880              08:18:05.8   -20:06:32.0   i_Sloan   01:31:19   2024-04-25
920402             08:18:35.2   -14:45:11.0   i_Sloan   02:42:55   2024-04-25
96401              08:20:29.1   -18:33:26.8   i_Sloan   03:01:57   2024-04-25
6dFJ0821102-1813   08:21:10.2   -18:13:08.6   i_Sloan   02:36:25   2024-04-25
08221434-2041541   08:22:14.3   -20:41:54.0   i_Sloan   02:54:43   2024-04-25
81160              08:24:53.0   -23:13:11.7   i_Sloan   02:22:44   2024-04-25
ESO562-006         08:26:19.2   -20:50:51.6   i_Sloan   00:49:27   2024-04-25
ESO495-013         08:26:26.2   -27:21:36.3   i_Sloan   01:34:47   2024-04-25
08262641-2721375   08:26:26.4   -27:21:37.4   i_Sloan   02:46:20   2024-04-25
152509             08:27:44.4   -21:06:47.0   i_Sloan   02:02:26   2024-04-25
ESO431-011         08:28:47.3   -27:43:12.9   i_Sloan   03:05:46   2024-04-25

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