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GCN Circular 36592

GRB 240529A: AKO Optical Afterglow Follow-Up Observations
2024-06-01T12:17:07Z (9 months ago)
Mohammad Odeh at Al Khatim Observatory M44 <>
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Mohammad Odeh (Al-Khatim Observatory, AKO, operated by the International
Astronomical Center in Abu Dhabi, UAE), Nidhal Guessoum, Dalya Akl, Ilmah
Aabdi, and Shaikha AlShamsi (American University of Sharjah, UAE), report:

As a follow-up to our first observation performed on May 29, 2024 (GCN 36573
<>), we report further observations of
the field of GRB 240529A (Eyles-Ferris et al., GCN 36556) with our 0.36m
f/7.7 robotic telescope, on May. 30, starting at 22:09 UT.

We obtained multiple 180-sec exposures in the Ic filter, where we
marginally detected the GRB afterglow.

Our detection is consistent with the results of (Kumar et al., GCN 36559;
Fu et al., GCN 36561; Shilling et al., GCN 36562; Perez-Garcia et al., GCN
36563; Dutton et al., GCN 36568; Mo et al., GCN 36569; Odeh et al. GCN
36573; Adami et al., GCN 36575; Mohan et al., GCN 36576; Vinko et al., GCN
36577; Gu et al., GCN 36579; Moskvitin et al., GCN 36582; Pankov et al.,
GCN 36585; Ror et al., GCN 36589).

The following table summarizes the results of the two nights, calculated
using the Atlas catalog as a reference:
ObsTime (mid), Exposure, Filter, Mag, S/N, Lim. Mag.
2024-05-29T23:08:00Z, 24 x 180s (stacked), Ic, 17.9 +/- 0.10, 16.1, 19.8
2024-05-30T23:15:55Z, 21 x 180s (stacked), Ic, 18.8 +/- 0.17, 8.0, 19.7

The magnitudes are not corrected for galactic extinction.

For reference, cutouts of the GRB, as visible in our images for both
nights, can be found below:
Night 1
Night 2

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