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GCN Circular 36680

GRB 240615A: FLWO-1.2m optical upper limits
2024-06-17T02:24:03Z (9 months ago)
Harsh Kumar at Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian <>
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H. Kumar (CFA) D. Hiramatsu (CFA), and E. Berger (CFA) report on behalf of the FLWO team:

We observed GRB 240615A detected by Fermi GBM (GCN #36671)and Swift/BAT-GUANO (GCN #36672), with the FLWO 1.2m (48”) robotic telescope. We obtained multiple 300-sec exposures in the g, r, and i filters and did not detect any new source in our stacked images within 4 arcmin of BAT position: RA (J2000) = 21:44:33.91, Dec(J2000) = 38:35:41.3. We obtained the following upper limits:

 JD (mid) | T-T0(hrs) | Exposure (sec) | Filter | Lim_mag (5-sigma) 
2460477.78778 | 13.04 | 900 (stacked) | r | > 21.92
2460477.79915 | 13.32 | 900 (stacked) | g | > 21.33
2460477.81047 | 13.59 | 900 (stacked) | i | > 21.47

The magnitudes are calibrated against PanSTARRS DR1 (Chambers et al., 2016) and not corrected for Galactic extinction.

We thank the FLWO staff for their support.

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