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GCN Circular 37006

Fermi GBM trigger 744179961 / 240801194 can not be confirmed as a GRB
2024-08-01T22:54:08Z (7 months ago)
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S. Bala (USRA) reports on behalf of the Fermi-GBM Team:

AstroSat CZTI detected GRB 240801B at 2024-08-01 04:39:49.5 UTC (GCN 36996).
There was a Fermi-GBM onboard trigger (744179961 / 240801194) due to a solar 
flare around 2024-08-01 04:39:16.781 UTC. Due to the extreme solar flare flux
we can not confirm the presence of any GRB. 

The on-ground calculated location of the peak identified by AstroSat, using 
the Fermi GBM trigger data, is RA = 124.41, Dec = 13.21 (J2000 degrees, equivalent
to J2000 8h 17m, 13d 12') with a statistical uncertainty of 1 degrees. The localization
is found to be close to the position of the Sun (RA = 131.531, Dec = 17.97). As the
source is highly contaminated by the solar flare flux, the background and the
localization is uncertain. 

The angle from the Fermi LAT boresight is 71 degrees.
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