GCN Circular 37158
GRB 240809A: VLA detection
2024-08-12T21:45:54Z (7 months ago)
Tanmoy Laskar at U of Bath <tanmoylaskar@gmail.com>
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C. Christy (University of Arizona), T. Laskar (University of Utah), K. D.
Alexander (University of Arizona), G. Schroeder (Northwestern University),
C. Peña (University of Utah), E. Berger (Harvard University), R. Chornock
(UC Berkeley), W. Fong (Northwestern University), R. Margutti (UC
Berkeley), and P. Schady (University of Bath) report on behalf of a larger
"We observed GRB 240809A (Evans et al., GCN 37110) with the Karl G. Jansky
Very Large Array (VLA) beginning on 2024 August 10 02:25 UTC (17.9 h after
the burst) at multiple frequencies. In preliminary analysis, we detect the
radio counterpart (Laskar et al., GCN 37157) with a flux density of ~ 0.2
mJy at 15 GHz, and position:
RA (J2000) = 15h 50m 10.5s
Dec (J2000) = -02d 19' 5.1"
with a (statistical) uncertainty of 0.2" in each coordinate. This position
is consistent with the X-ray and optical position (Evans et al., GCN
37110). Further observations are planned.
We thank the VLA staff for scheduling and executing these observations"