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GCN Circular 37192

GRB 240805B: Osservatorio Astronomico Nastro Verde upper limit
2024-08-16T19:36:14Z (6 months ago)
Nello Ruocco at Osservatorio Nastro Verde - Sorrento (Naples) - Italy - MPC Code C82 <>
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Nello Ruocco at Osservatorio Nastro Verde - Sorrento (Naples) - Italy
in a large collaboration with:
M.G. Dainotti (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), 
Y. Niino (Tokyo University, Institute of Astronomy), 
K. Kalinowski (Aarhus University, Department of Physics and Astronomy),
B. De Simone (Universita' degli Studi Di Salerno)

We imaged the field of the GRB 240805B detected at 14:28:54 UT by SWIFT (trigger num. 1246989) (M. A. Williams (PSU), S. Dichiara (PSU), R. Gupta (NASA GSFC),
J. A. Kennea (PSU) and D. M. Palmer (LANL) GCN 37043) with telescope of Nastro Verde Observatory - Sorrento (Naples), Italy. 
Member of: 
AAVSO - American Association of Variable Star Observers.
UAI/SSV - Unione Astrofili Italiani/sezione stelle variabili.
AstroCampania Associazione

The observations started at 19:24 UT of 2024/08/05, after about 5 hours after the transient, with clear sky,
with principal telescope  SC 0.35 f/10 with focal reduced + CCD Sbig ST10 XME
I took 45 image of 60 sec each. All images are unfiltered, calibrated with masterdark and masterflat,stacked with Tycho Tracker software
We have not detected any clearly visible sources, up to 19.5th magnitude with clear skies.
 Start                       End        Rlim
19:24:41 UT               20:27:39 UT   19.5

We did not found any optical counterpart.

Magnitudes were estimated with the Gaia DR2 cat. and 
are not corrected for galactic dust extinction.

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