GCN Circular 372
GRB 990704 X-ray Observations
1999-07-06T02:42:03Z (26 years ago)
Toshio Murikami at ISAS <murakami@astro.isas.ac.jp>
T. Murakami, A. Yoshida, N. Kawai, T. Tamura, S. Terada and T. Tsuru
on behalf of the ASCA team report :
ASCA is observing the SAX NFI position (GCN #366) of GRB 990704 from
July 5.40(UT). Preliminary analysis of the first four orbits of the
SIS data at the tracking station shows an X-ray source at a position of
RA(2000)= 184.867
DEC(2000)= -3.833
with the error radius of 1.5 arcmin. The source is fading and the
average intensity of the four orbits is 2x10E-13 erg/cm2/sec in 2-10
keV band.
ASCA is continuing its observation at least until July 6.13 (UT).