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GCN Circular 37690

GRB 241002C: X-ray afterglow candidate observed by SVOM/MXT
2024-10-03T09:47:13Z (5 months ago)
Edited On
2024-10-03T14:24:44Z (5 months ago)
Diego Gotz at CEA <>
Edited By
Judith Racusin at NASA/GSFC <> on behalf of Diego Gotz at CEA <>
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SVOM/MXT Commissioning Team: D. Götz (CEA Irfu/DAp), A. Fort, J. Joubert, K. Mercier, S. Crepaldi (CNES), F. Robinet, N. Leroy (IJCLab), P. Ferrando, A. Meuris, M. Moita, C. Plasse, A. Sauvageon, (CEA), P. Maggi, L. Michel (ObAS) 

SVOM JSWG: Jian-Yan Wei (NAOC), Bertrand Cordier (CEA), Shuang-Nan Zhang (IHEP), Stéphane Basa (LAM), Olivier Godet (IRAP), Arnaud Claret (CEA), Zi-Gao Dai (USTC), Frédéric Daigne (IAP), Jin-Song Deng (NAOC), Andrea Goldwurm (APC), Diego Götz (CEA), Xu-Hui Han (NAOC), Cyril Lachaud (APC), En-Wei Liang (GXU), Yu-Lei Qiu (NAOC), Susanna Vergani (Obs.Paris), Jing Wang (NAOC), Chao Wu (NAOC), Li-Ping Xin (NAOC), Shaolin Xiong (IHEP), Bing Zhang (UNLV)

Report on behalf of the SVOM team:

MXT observed the field fo GRB241002C (Schanne et al., GCN 37674) as a TOO from 2024 October 3rd  at 02:29 UTC to 05:53 UTC, 17 hours after T0.

A faint source is detected by the on board software at RA: 62.410 Dec =- 7.896  with a 90% c.l. error of 1 arc minute. Further results will be given once the full telemetry is received and analyzed.

We note that the position of 1RXS J040940.8-075327 (V* EI Eri) is compatible with the MXT error box. Further observations will be needed to assess the variability of the source. Observations by other X-ray telescopes are encouraged.

The Space Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) is a China-France joint mission led by the Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA), French Space Agency (CNES), and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), which is dedicated to observing gamma-ray bursts and other transient phenomena in the energetic universe. MXT was developed jointly by CEA, CNES, University of Leicester, IJCLab and MPE.
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