GCN Circular 37702
GRB 241002C: Swift-XRT observations confirm the source to be EI Eri
2024-10-03T19:31:51Z (5 months ago)
Phil Evans at U of Leicester <pae9@star.le.ac.uk>
K.L. Page (U. Leicester) reports on behalf of the Swift-XRT team:
Swift-XRT has performed follow-up observations of the
SVOM/ECLAIRs-trigger named GRB 241002C (GCN Circ. 37674), collecting
1.7 ks of Photon Counting (PC) mode data between T0+113.0 ks and
T0+114.8 ks.
The known RS CVn variable star, EI Eri, is clearly detected as a bright
X-ray source inside the ECLAIRs error region, at a mean count rate of
1.51 +/- 0.06 ct s^-1. Gotz et al. (GCN 37690) noted that the position
of this source was compatible with the SVOM-MXT error box.
No additional uncatalogued X-ray sources have been detected within the
error region. We therefore conclude that GRB 241002C is not a GRB, but
was instead due to EI Eri (also known as 1RXS J040940.8-075327 and 4XMM
The results of the XRT-team automatic analysis of the XRT observations,
including a position-specific upper limit calculator, are available at
This circular is an official product of the Swift-XRT team.