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GCN Circular 3772

Retraction of Swift Trigger 149131 (GRB 050805B)
2005-08-06T01:08:12Z (20 years ago)
Craig Markwardt at NASA/GSFC/UMD <>
C. Markwardt (GSFC/UMD), S. Barthelmy (GSFC), J. Cummings (GSFC/NRC)
J. Kennea (PSU), C. Pagani (PSU)
on behalf Swift team:

We report that trigger number 149131, previously designated GRB
050805B, is retracted.  This trigger is consistent with a cosmic ray
shower event in the detector, and a simultaneous random image

Ground analysis of the XRT data does not show any X-ray source in the 
field. We therefore conclude from the XRT data that Trigger 149131 is not 
a GRB.

As a separate note, the BAT position notice was delayed by ~42 seconds
on board the spacecraft, due to a backlog of TDRSS telemetry caused by
a commanded procedure.
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