GCN Circular 37824
GRB241018A: XingLong Optical Upper Limit
2024-10-19T12:04:59Z (5 months ago)
Fei-Fan Song at Yunnan Observatories <songfeifan@ynao.ac.cn>
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F.-F. Song (YNAO), X.-H. Han, L.-P. Xin, J. Wang, H.-L. Li, C. Wu (NAOC), R.-Z. Li, B.-T. Wang, J. Mao (YNAO), Y.-L. Qiu, J.-Y. Wei (NAOC), E.-W. Liang, X.-G. Wang (GXU), H. Gao (BNU), J.-J. Jie and J. Zheng (NAOC) report on behalf of a large collaboration:
We observed the field of GRB241018A (Atteia et al., GCN 37812, T0 at 2024-10-18T11:54:34 UT) using the Xinglong-2.16m telescope. The observation began at 2024-10-18T14:50:59, about 2.93 hours after the trigger.
No new uncataloged optical source was detected within the SOVM-ECLAIRs error circle (GCN 37812).
The preliminary analysis results are shown as follows:
| Tmid-T0 [hr] | Exp. [s] | Filter | 5-sigma U.L. |
| 2.97 | 300 | R | 19.09 |
The given magnitudes are derived based on calibrating against Pan-STARRS1 field stars.