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GCN Circular 37916

GRB 241026A: BTA redshift identification of z = 2.79
2024-10-28T00:41:39Z (5 months ago)
Moskvitin Alexander at SAO RAS <>
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A. S. Moskvitin, A. S. Vinokurov (SAO RAS), A. S. Pozanenko (IKI)
report on behalf of the GRB follow-up team.

We observed the GRB 241026A afterglow (The Fermi GBM team,
GCN 37894; Melandri et al., GCN 37896; Moskvitin et al., GCN 37899;
Watson et al., GCN 37900; Zheng & Filippenko GCN 37903;
Shrestha et al., GCN 37913; Mo et al., GCN 37915) with the BTA,
6-m telescope of SAO RAS equipped with the Scorpio-I focal reducer
starting on October 27, 18:42:01--19:44:13 UT (t_mid - T0 = 20.51

In the 4 x 900 sec spectrum obtained with VPHG550G grism (3500--7500
AA, FWHM resolution ~ 10A) we do not observe the continuum lower than
4000A. We also found at least OI, CII, CVI, SiIV, SiII absorption
lines with a common redshift of z = 2.79, which we suggest as the
redshift of the source GRB 241026A.

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