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GCN Circular 379

IPN localization of GRB990704
1999-07-07T18:51:56Z (25 years ago)
Kevin Hurley at UCBerkeley/SSL <>
K. Hurley, on behalf of the Ulysses GRB team, and M. Feroci, on behalf
of the BeppoSAX GRB team, report:

We have obtained a preliminary IPN annulus for GRB990704.  This
annulus is centered at RA=147.4103 deg., Decl.=-7.9861 deg. (J2000),
and has a radius of 37.4724 +/-  0.047 deg. (3 sigma).  It intersects the
BeppoSAX WFC error circle (GCN 366) to form a 75 arcmin.^2 error
box whose corners are:

RA(2000)	Decl.(2000)
12h 19m 41.9s	-3o 54' 27"
12h 19m 34.4s	-3o 41' 17"
12h 19m 19.3s	-3o 54' 42"
12h 19m 12.3s 	-3o 42' 39"

This error box includes, but does not reduce the size of, that of the BeppoSAX
NFI source (GCN 375) and the ASCA source (GCN 372), suggesting that
this fading source is indeed the X-ray counterpart to the GRB.  An
image may be found at  The optical source
in this image is the one referred to in GCN 363 and GCN 369.

This IPN annulus can be updated when the final Ulysses data become
available, but due to the weakness of the GRB, the annulus width
will probably not be reduced substantially.
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