GCN Circular 38079
EP241101a NUTTelA-TAO / BSTI Measurements 2024-11-02
2024-11-05T11:30:41Z (4 months ago)
Edited On
2024-11-05T14:01:36Z (4 months ago)
Toktarkhan Komesh at Nazarbayev University <toktarkhan.komesh@nu.edu.kz>
Edited By
Judith Racusin at NASA/GSFC <judith.racusin@nasa.gov> on behalf of Toktarkhan Komesh at Nazarbayev University <toktarkhan.komesh@nu.edu.kz>
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B. Grossan (UCB, NU) , Z. Maksut (NU), M. Krugov (FAI), Ernazar Abdikamalov (NU), T. Komesh (NU), Zh. Abdullayev (NU), and G. F. Smoot (UCB, NU, IAS, DIPC), report on behalf of the Energetic Cosmos Laboratory:
We used the Nazarbayev University Transient Telescope at Assy-Turgen Astrophysical Observatory (NUTTelA-TAO) and the Burst Simultaneous Three-Channel Imager (BSTI; Grossan, Kumar & Smoot 2019, JHEA, 32,14) to image the field of EP241101a, centered on the position reported by Liang et al. 2024 (GCN 38039), during variable cloudy conditions. Each image was calibrated with 3 bright PS1 stars on our images for our standard SDSS filters. We report the following 5 sigma upper limits (UL) in 750 s exposures on UT 2024-11-02:
t_start(UT) UL g' UL r'
---------------- ------ ------
14:50:29 18.2 17.4
15:02:59 18.6 17.9
15:15:29 19.0 18.4
We detected nothing at the position of the rapidly fading X-ray source of Wu et al. 2024 (GCN 38073). All of our detected sources matched those in the PS1 images or catalog in both filters. We do not detect the source given by Busmann et al. 2024 (GCN 38064), consistent with our sensitivity limits. Given the optical non-detections more than covering the 90% localization of Liang et al. (X-ray detection, UT 2024-11-01T23:54), Perez-Garcia et al. (GCN 38047; UT 2024-11-02T04:55), the NUTTelA observations described above (UT 2024-11-02 14:50), Aryan et al. (GCN 38061; UT 24-11-02 16:59), Adami et al. (GCN 38060; UT24-11-02 19:38) , Lipunov et al. (GCN38049; UT 2024-11-02 21:43), and Busmann et al. (UT 2024-11-03T01:36), the measurements suggest that, assuming a power-law decay, no bright optical emission occurred between 11-02T04:55 and 11-03T01:36.
UCB = University of California, Berkeley, USA
NU = Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
FAI = Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Kazakhstan
IAS = Institute for Advanced Study, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
DIPC = Basque Country UPV/EHU, E-48080 San Sebastian, Spain
The NUTTelA-TAO Team acknowledges the support of the staff of the Assy-Turgen Astrophysical Observatory, Almaty, Kazakhstan, and the Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Almaty, Kazkhstan. This research has been supported, in part, by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. AP14870504).