GCN Circular 38107
GRB 241030A: optical afterglow detection from the INAF Asiago Observatory
2024-11-06T22:38:03Z (4 months ago)
Youdong HU at INAF-OAB <huyoudong072@hotmail.com>
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A. Reguitti (INAF-OAB / INAF-OAPd), Y.-D. Hu, M. Ferro, R. Brivio, P. D'Avanzo (INAF-OAB), L. Tomasella (INAF-OAPd), E. Cappellaro (INAF-OAPd), Paolo Ochner (UniPd) and Stefano Fiscale (UniParthenope), report on behalf of the CIBO and of the GRAWITA collaborations:
We carried out follow-up optical observations of GRB241030A by Fermi, Swift, SVOM and Konus-Wind (Fermi GBM team, GCNC 37955; Klingler et al., GCNC 37956; Beardmore et al., GCN 37962; SVOM/GRM team, GCNC 37972; Ridnaia et al., GCNC 37982; Pillera et al., GCNC 37979) from the INAF-Padova Astronomical Observatory located in Asiago (Italy) with the 67/92 Schmidt telescope starting on 2024-10-30 at 17:47:50UT (~12 hour after trigger) with SDSS-ri filters. In our single exposure, the optical afterglow (Watson et al., GCNC 37957;Fernández-Rodríguez et al., GCNC 37958; Zheng et al., GCNC 37959; An et al., GCNC 37960; Higuchi et al., GCNC 37963; SVOM/VT team, GCNC 37965; Lin et al., GCNC 37966; SVOM/C-GFT team, GCNC 37970; Breeveld et al., GCNC 37974; Lipunov et al., GCNC 37975 37977; Odeh et al., GCNC 37976; Moskvitin et al., GCNC 38016; Busmann et al. GCNC 38019; Schneider et al. GCNC 38021; Li et al. GCNC 38027; Masi et al. GCNC 38031; Moskvitin et al. GCNC 38032; Yan et al. GCNC 38035; TESS Mission, GCNC 38050; Wang et al. GCNC 38055; Pankov et al. GCNC 38105) is clearly detected. From preliminary analysis, we estimated a magnitude of r=19.29+-0.12 mag (AB; calibrated against r band of SDSS catalog). Further observation is under analysis.
We thank the staff at Padova Astronomical Observatory for their excellent support.