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GCN Circular 3827

GRB050819: Swift XRT position
2005-08-19T18:32:59Z (20 years ago)
Jamie A. Kennea at PSU/Swift-XRT <>
J.A. Kennea, D.N. Burrows (PSU), K. Page (U. Leceister) report on behalf 
of the Swift/XRT team:

We have analysed the ground data from GRB 050819 (BAT Trigger #151131). We 
find a previously uncatalogued, fading X-ray source at the following 

RA(J2000):  23:55:01.2
Dec(J2000): 24:51:36.5

with a uncertainty of 8 arcseconds radius (90% containment). This position 
is 69 arcseconds from the BAT position reported in GCN 3826.
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