GCN Circular 38452
GRB 241206B: SVOM/MXT observations: a probable flare from the QSO 1ES 1959+650
2024-12-06T17:26:23Z (a month ago)
Edited On
2024-12-07T22:07:35Z (a month ago)
Diego Gotz at CEA <diego.gotz@cea.fr>
Edited By
Vidushi Sharma at NASA GSFC/UMBC <vidushi.sharma@nasa.gov> on behalf of Diego Gotz at CEA <diego.gotz@cea.fr>
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D. Götz (CEA/Irfu), N. Leroy (IJClab), M. Moita, H. Goto, C. Plasse (CEA Irfu), F. Robinet, C. Van Hove (IJCLab), P. Maggi (ObAS) report on behalf of the SVOM MXT Team.
SVOM/MXT observed the SVOM/ECLAIRs error box (Saccardi et al. GCN 38450) as a TOO starting at 16:50 UT on December 6th 2024, i.e. 52 minutes after the ECLAIRs trigger.
The on-board software clearly detects a single persistent X-ray source at
RA = 300.013,
DEC = 65.1563
with a R90 error of about 35 arc sec (90% c.l.).
This position is compatible with the one of the QSO 1ES 1959+650. We hence suggest that the ECLAIRs trigger is related to an outburst of this source and it is not a real GRB.