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GCN Circular 38538

GRB 241209A: Chandra X-ray Detection
2024-12-11T19:27:31Z (3 months ago)
Peter Blanchard at Harvard <>
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Peter K. Blanchard and Edo Berger (Harvard) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the short GRB 241209A (GCNs 38474, 38476) with Chandra/ACIS (Program 25500091, PI: Berger) starting at UT 2024-12-10 13:47:26 with an exposure time of 19.8 ks (mid-time of 38.4 hr post-burst).  We detect a source consistent with the enhanced Swift/XRT position (GCN 38486) at the following coordinates:

RA (J2000): 10:21:35.207
Dec (J2000): +06:19:42.73

with a one sigma uncertainty of 0.3” in RA and Dec.

The X-ray source is closer (~0.6” away) to the fainter galaxy of the two identified by de Ugarte Postigo et al. (GCN 38484), which has a redshift of z=1.490 (GCN 38487).  The source is ~2” away from the infrared source identified by Schneider et al. (GCN 38506).

We thank the Chandra team for rapidly scheduling these observations.

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