GCN Circular 38616
GRB 241217a: Liverpool Telescope optical follow-up
2024-12-18T13:21:40Z (3 months ago)
A. Bochenek at Liverpool John Moores University <a.m.bochenek@2023.ljmu.ac.uk>
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A. Bochenek and D. A. Perley (LJMU) report:
We observed the field of GRB 241217a (Marius et al., GCN 38594) using the IO:O optical camera on the 2m robotic Liverpool Telescope. We obtained 4x200s exposures with the SDSS r’ and SDSS i’ filters starting at 2024-18-09 01:09:11 UT, approximately 8.2 hours after the trigger.
We do not detect any new sources at the Swift/XRT afterglow position (Williams et al. GCN 38599) nor within the SVOM/VT error circle (Qiu et al. GCN 38600). The 3-sigma limiting magnitudes on the stacked images are r > 21.7 mag and i > 22.0 mag. The photometry was obtained using nearby PanSTARRS secondary standards and was not corrected for extinction.