GCN Circular 38769
GRB 250101A: LCOGT optical afterglow detection
2025-01-02T00:15:46Z (16 days ago)
Ismael Perez-Fournon at Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias <ipf@iac.es>
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P. Escudero-Coca, B. Armas-Chinea, F. Dobrindt, G. Fernández-Rodríguez, Á. García Lozano, A. Huertas Ferrer, C. Méndez-Lapido, I. Ortega-Casas, M. Torreiro Martínez, G. Villa (ULL), S.R. Berlanas, F. Poidevin, and I. Pérez-Fournon (IAC and ULL)
We report on optical imaging of the field of GRB 250101A, discovered by Swift BAT (Page et al., GCN #38752), with the Las Cumbres Observatory global telescope network (LCOGT) 40-cm telescope located at the LCOGT node at Sutherland Observatory (South Africa). The observation, a single 600-sec exposure in the SDSS r' filter, started on 2025-01-01 19:56:30 UT, i.e. ~ 6.56 hr after the Swift BAT trigger. We detect the optical afterglow at a position consistent with the Swift UVOT position reported by Page et al. (GCN #38752). We measure a magnitude of r' = 19.96 +/- 0.16 calibrated against PanSTARRS DR1 stars and not corrected for Galactic extinction.
This result is consistent with other reports: Li et al., GCN 38753; Mohan et al., GCN 38754; Zhu et al., GCN 38755; Budnev et al., GCN 38756; Wu et al., GCN 38758; Moskvitin and Spiridonova, GCN 38762