GCN Circular 38835
EPWXT01709129925: Xinglong optical observations
2025-01-07T03:27:21Z (2 months ago)
Xinglong Observatory at National Astronomical Observatories (NAOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) <xinglong@nao.cas.cn>
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Yu-Zhang(NAOC), Jianfeng-Tian(NAOC), Ying-Wu(NAOC), Pengliang-Du(NAOC), Junjie-Jin(NAOC), Haiyang-Mu(NAOC), Yuguang-Sun(NAOC), Zheng-Jie (NAOC), Zhou-Fan(NAOC), Hong-Wu(NAOC) report on behalf of a large collaboration:
In response to the detection of the likely flaring star 1RXS J060224.9-163451 by EP/WXT, an automatic trigger initiated follow-up observations using the 0.8-m telescope at Xinglong Observatory, Hebei, China. We obtained one 300-second exposure in both the g-band and r-band filters, with a median time of 2025-01-06T13:07:42, i.e., 16.2 hr after the EP trigger (ID 01709129925). For this target, we measured magnitudes of g ~ 12.82 mag and r ~ 11.48 mag, calibrated with the Pan-STARRS g-band and r-band field.