GCN Circular 3885
GRB 050826: Swift XRT position
2005-08-26T13:35:41Z (20 years ago)
David Morris at PSU/Swift-XRT <morris@astro.psu.edu>
V. Mangano (INAF-IASF), J. Racusin (PSU), D. Morris (PSU), D. N. Burrows
(PSU) report on behalf of the Swift XRT team:
We have analysed the ground data from GRB 050826 (BAT Trigger #152113).
We find a previously uncatalogued, fading x-ray source at the following
RA(J2000): 05:51:01.3
Dec(J2000): -02:38:37.8
with an uncertainty of 8 arcseconds radius (90% containment). This
position is 2.7 arcminutes from the BAT position reported in GCN 3884
(Mangano et al).