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GCN Circular 38891

EP-WXT trigger EP250108a:Xinglong optical follow-up observations
2025-01-10T14:14:46Z (2 months ago)
EP Team at NAOC/CAS <>
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Report on behalf of the Xinglong collaboration: Junjie-Jin(NAOC), Haiyang-Mu(NAOC), Jinlei-Zhang(NAOC), Shengsheng-Zhang(NAOC), Pengliang-Du(NAOC), JianFeng-Tian(NAOC), Zhou-Fan(NAOC), Hong-Wu(NAOC), Jie-Zheng (NAOC) 
We observed the field of the X-ray transient, EP 250108a by the the Tsinghua-NAOC 0.8-m telescope (TNT) located at Xinglong, Hebei, China. A total of 300 s g-band exposures were taken , with a median observation time of 2025-01-09 T11:51:01, approximately 23.5 hours after the EP trigger. No optical counterpart was detected, with a 5-sigma limiting magnitude of 21.85, calibrated with Pan-STARRS sources in the field.
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