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GCN Circular 38958

EP250108a: MeerKAT radio upper limit
2025-01-15T19:32:54Z (2 months ago)
Francesco Carotenuto at INAF/OAR <>
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F. Carotenuto (INAF/OAR), J. Bright (Oxford), P. G. Jonker (Radboud) report on behalf of a larger collaboration:

We observed the Fast X-ray Transient EP250108a (Lin et al., GCN 38861, Eyles-Ferris, GCN 38878, Malesani, GCN 38908) with the MeerKAT radio telescope at 3.0 GHz for a total of 1 hour starting on January 13th 2025 at 17:42 UTC. J1939-6342 and J0409-1757 were used as flux and complex gain calibrators, respectively. No source was detected at the known position of EP250108a, and we report a 3-sigma upper limit of 24 μJy/beam. The rms noise in the field is 8 uJy/beam. 

Further MeerKAT observations are planned.

We thank the staff at the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory for the rapid scheduling of these observations. The MeerKAT telescope is operated by the South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, which is a facility of the National Research Foundation, an agency of the Department of Science and Innovation. This work has made use of the "MPIfR S-band receiver system" designed, constructed and maintained by funding of the MPI für Radioastronomy and the Max-Planck-Society.
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