GCN Circular 38996
LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA S250119cv: GLADEnet Completeness: Potential Host Galaxies in the 90% Credible Volume
2025-01-20T10:28:32Z (2 months ago)
Maria Lisa Brozzetti at Università degli Studi di Perugia <marialisa.brozzetti@ligo.org>
Web form
M. L. Brozzetti (UniPG/INFN), G. Dálya (L2IT/EotvosU), G. Greco (INFN), M. Bawaj (UniPG/INFN), T. Matcovich (UniPG/INFN), S. Cutini (INFN) , R. De Pietri (UniPR/INFN), Marica Branchesi (GSSI)
On behalf of the GLADEnet Team.
We analyzed the completeness of the GLADE+ [1] catalog within the 90% credible localization volume of the S250119cv event from the 4-Update alert from the GCN Circular 38986.
The completeness value is 5.0e-1 in the B-band using the last released skymap : Bilby.multiorder.fits,0, which means that the catalogue contains 50% of the total light in the B-band expected from galaxies in the localization volume.
A total of 1469 galaxies are identified within the 90% gravitational volume. The complete list of galaxies can be downloaded from the GLADEnet webpage [2] : https://virgo.pg.infn.it/gladenet/catalogs/
GLADEnet allows for the interactive visualization of the 90% localization area and its intersection with regions of high extinction as defined in GLADE+. Furthermore, the first 1000 galaxies can be explored interactively, enabling users to filter galaxies based on their 3D probability density or their absolute B magnitude. The ligo.skymap cross-match method [3,4] is used to obtain the list of galaxies.
[1]GLADE+: An Extended Galaxy Catalogue for Multimessenger Searches with Advanced Gravitational-wave Detectors
G. Dálya et al. MNRAS, 514,1, pp.1403-1411, 2022
[2] GLADEnet: A progressive web app for multi-messenger cosmology and electromagnetic follow-ups of gravitational-wave sources M. L. Brozzetti, G. Dálya, G. Greco, M. Bawaj, T. Matcovich, M. Branchesi, T. Boch, M. Baumann, S. Cutini, R. De Pietri et al. (4 more) A&A, 684, A44 (2024)
[3] Singer, L. P., Chen, H.-Y., Holz, D. E., et al. 2016, Astropys. J. Lett., 829, L15. doi:10.3847/2041-8205/829/1/L15
[4] Singer, L. P., Chen, H.-Y., Holz, D. E., et al. 2016, Astropys. J. Supp., 226, 10. doi:10.3847/0067-0049/226/1/10