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GCN Circular 39022

IPN triangulation of a bright burst from SGR 1E1841-045
2025-01-24T16:18:56Z (a month ago)
Dmitry Svinkin at Ioffe Institute <>
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D. Svinkin, A. Ridnaia, D. Frederiks, A. Lysenko,
and T. Cline on behalf of the Konus-Wind team,

A. Goldstein, M. S. Briggs, C. Wilson-Hodge,
and E. Burns on behalf of the Fermi GBM team,

Y. Zhang, C. Wang, S. Xiong, J. Wei, and B. Cordier
on behalf of the SVOM-GRM team, report:

A very bright, short-duration, soft burst was detected by
Konus-Wind, Fermi (GBM trigger 759314844), and SVOM (GRM)
at about 31640 s UT (08:47:20) on January 23.

We have triangulated it to the following annuli:
annulus         R.A.     Dec.     R     dR (3sigma)
               (deg)    (deg)   (deg)     (deg)
Konus-GBM      285.928  -20.729  16.594  0.148
Konus-GRM      285.926  -20.738  16.277  0.567

Among known SGRs, only the position of SGR 1E1841-045 is inside the annuli. 
Given the positional coincidence of this burst with
SGR 1E1841-045, its time history, and softness of its spectrum
(as observed by Konus-Wind), we conclude this burst is likely originated from SGR 1E1841-045.

A triangulation map is posted at

The time history and spectrum will be given in forthcoming GCN circulars.
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