GCN Circular 39310
EP250207b: VLA radio upper limits
2025-02-13T15:29:42Z (a month ago)
Roberto Ricci at INAF-IRA <ricci@ira.inaf.it>
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R. Ricci (U Rome), E. Troja (U Rome) and B. O'Connor (Carnegie Mellon) on behalf of a larger collaboration:
We observed the Fast X-ray Transient EP250207b discovered by Einstein Probe (Zhou et al. GCN 39266) at the FXT position (Zhou et al. 39266) with the Very Large Array at the frequency of 6 GHz with a bandwidth of 4 GHz on Feb 12th 07:29 UT mid-time (i.e. 4.40 days after the EP trigger).
The primary calibrator was 3C286 and the phase calibrator J1130-1449. The data were calibrated,
imaged and analysed in CASA using standard procedures.
The target source was not detected in the final cleaned image down to 3-sigma flux upper limit of
21 microJy.
We thank the VLA staff for promptly executing the observations.