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GCN Circular 39346

EP250212a: FTW optical and NIR upper limits
2025-02-16T19:03:45Z (6 days ago)
Malte Busmann at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München <>
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Malte Busmann (LMU), Brendan O’Connor (Carnegie Mellon U.), Daniel Gruen (LMU) and Antonella Palmese (Carnegie Mellon U.) report:

We observed the EP-FXT localization area of EP250212a (Li et al., GCN 39308) with the Three Channel Imager (3KK) at the Fraunhofer Telescope at Wendelstein Observatory (FTW) in the r, i and J band simultaneously for 18 x 180 s starting at 2025-02-15T23:51:26 UT (3.67 days after the WXT trigger). Earlier observations were not possible due to bad weather. Consistent with Malesani et al. (GCN 39306), Eyles-Ferris et al. (GCN 39309) and Junjie-Jin et al. (GCN 39319) we detect no source at a 3 sigma depth of

r > 23.3 mag
i > 23.0 mag
J > 22.0 mag.

The r- and i-band magnitudes are calibrated against the PS1 catalog and the J-band is calibrated with the 2MASS Catalog. All magnitudes are provided in the AB system and are not corrected for Galactic extinction.

We thank Christoph Ries from the staff of the Wendelstein Observatory for obtaining these observations.
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