GCN Circular 3946
GRB 050908 : Swift XRT position
2005-09-08T08:20:39Z (20 years ago)
Michael Goad at U Leicester <mrg@star.le.ac.uk>
M. Goad (UL), C. Pagani (PSU), K. Page (UL) and D. Burrows (PSU)
report on behalf of the Swift XRT team:
We have analysed the ground data from GRB 050908 (BAT Trigger #154112).
We find a previously uncatalogued, X-ray source at the following
RA(J2000): 01 21 50.3
Dec(J2000): -12 57 20.3
with an uncertainty of 6 arcseconds radius (90% containment). This
position is 56.6 arcseconds from the BAT position reported in GCN 3942
(Goad et al.) and 7.3 arseconds from the optical counterpart reported in
GCN 3943 (Torii).