GCN Circular 39568
A. Reguitti (INAF-OAB) reports on behalf of the CIBO (Coordinamento Italiano Burst Ottici) collaboration:
We observed the field of EP250302a (Zhu et al., GCN 39550) from the INAF - Padova Astronomical Observatory located in Asiago (Italy) with the 67/92 Schmidt robotic telescope. The observation was carried in the Sloan-i filter, started on 2025 March 02 at 20:01:15 UT (i.e. 4.4 hr after the burst), and lasted for 15 minutes.
In our stacked images, the optical counterpart is detected at the coordinates reported by Zhu et al., GCN 39550:
i = 19.98+-0.17 mag (AB; calibrated against the PS1 catalogue),
at a mid-time of about 4.5 hours after the trigger.