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GCN Circular 399

GRB 990806 Optical observations
1999-08-10T00:24:42Z (25 years ago)
Fiona Harrison at CalTech <>
J. Prochaska, I. Thompson (OCIW), J. S. Bloom, F. A. Harrison,
S. R. Kulkarni (CIT), D. A. Frail (NRAO) report: "On the night of 7
August 1999 UT, we imaged the field of GRB 990806 (Piro GCN #392;
Gandolfi GCN #393) with the Swope 40-inch telescope at Las Campanas
Observatory.  The total integration time was 900-s in R (approximately
Cousins) and the mean epoch was 7.4186 August 1999 UT.  Photometric
comparison with secondary standards from Kemp et al. (GCN #395) yields
a 3-sigma point source detection threshold of R~=22.5.  In agreement
with previously reported measurements (GCN #394; GCN #395; GCN #396;
GCN #397; GCN #398), we find no new sources not present in the Digital
Sky Survey.

A 4'x4' image of the field centered on the BeppoSAX position can be
obtained at

The reduced, medianed frame can be obtained at 

This message can be cited."
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