GCN Circular 4060
GRB 050906, summary of radio observations
2005-10-05T19:17:44Z (19 years ago)
Dale A. Frail at NRAO <dfrail@nrao.edu>
P. B. Cameron (Caltech) and D. A. Frail (NRAO) report on behalf of a
larger collaboration:
"Following our preliminary radio observations (GCN#3933), we have
undertaken four further observations of the field of GRB050906 with
the VLA at frequency of 8.46 GHz. In time order, they were centered on
the possible X-ray counterpart position (GCN#3956), the previously
reported radio source (GCN#3933), and two epochs of the refined BAT
error circle (GCN#3935). The observations were taken on September
10.35, 11.50, 11.52 and October 3.41 (all dates UT).
We find no radio sources within the XRT error circle with a limiting 2
sigma flux density of 61 uJy. The previously identified radio source,
(GCN#3933), which now lies outside of the refined BAT error circle,
has shown no significant variability and is likely a background
extragalactic source.
Within the refined BAT error circle (GCN#3935) there are no
significantly variable radio sources. The typical rms noise of each
observation is 40-50 uJy.
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National
Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated
Universities, Inc."