GCN Circular 4128
GRB051021B: Swift XRT Position
2005-10-22T08:03:04Z (19 years ago)
Judith Racusin at PSU <racusin@astro.psu.edu>
J. Racusin, D. Morris, C. Pagani, D. Burrows, A. Retter (PSU), N. Gehrels
(GSFC) on behalf of the Swift XRT team:
The Swift XRT began observing GRB 051021B (trigger #160672, Retter et al.,
GCN 4126) at 23:33:14 UT, but was unable to obtain an on-board centroid.
Analysis of the first 2 orbits of the ground data reveal a previously
uncatalogued, fading X-ray source at the following coordinates:
RA(J2000) = 08 24 11.8
Dec(J2000) = -45 32 30.8
We estimate an uncertainty of 4 arcseconds (90% containment), including
corrections for the XRT boresight offset. This position lies 88
arcseconds from the BAT position reported in GCN 4126.