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GCN Circular 4148

GRB 051022: Magellan NIR imaging
2005-10-23T08:07:53Z (19 years ago)
Edo Berger at Carnegie Obs <>
E. Berger and P. Wyatt (Carnegie Observatories) report:

"We observed the error circle of GRB 051022 (GCN 4131) with the PANIC
near-IR camera on the Magellan/Baade telescope starting on 2005 Oct 22.105
UT (13.4 hr after the burst).  We obtained a total of 18 min in the J and
K bands.  Within the XRT error circle (GCN 4141) we detect a single source
which coincides with source B of Castro-Tirado et al. (GCN 4143).  This
source is clearly extended.  We also detect source A of Castro-Tirado et
al. but note that this source is located about 1.5" outside of the XRT
error circle and it is also extended."
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