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GCN Circular 4216

GRB 051109a: IR Photometry and Astrometry
2005-11-09T04:17:16Z (19 years ago)
Josh Bloom at UC Berkeley <>
J. S. Bloom (UC Berkeley), C. H. Blake (Harvard), D. Starr (Gemini)  
and K. Alatalo (UC Berkeley) report:

"We have continued to observe the field of GRB 051109a (Tagliaferri  
et al. 4213) at the position of the optical transient (GCNs 4211,  
4214, 4215).  Using a stack of PAIRITEL imaging from 2005-11-09  
01:18:42.25 to 2005-11-09 01:33:14.94 UTC we find a 2MASS calibrated  
photometry of  J = 15.69 +/- 0.03, H = 14.95  +/- 0.03, Ks = 14.44  
+/- 0.04. We also find an astrometric position of (J2000)  
22:01:15.313, +40:49:23.31 with an uncertainty of 100 mas in each  
axis. This is consistent with the Rykoff et al. position."

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