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GCN Circular 4218

GRB051109: Early Super-LOTIS Detection
2005-11-09T05:21:00Z (19 years ago)
Grant Williams at Steward Observatory <>
P. A. Milne, G. G. Williams (U. of Arizona), H. S. Park (LLNL), S. 
Barthelmy (GSFC)

The automated 0.6-m Super-LOTIS telescope began observations
of the error region of GRB051109 (Swift trigger 163136) at
01:13:03.6 UT, 43.0 seconds after the burst.  The OT detected
by the Rykoff et al. (GCN 4211) is clearly visible in the first
image and subsequent images.  We confirm that the OT has faded in
images taken 13 minutes after the burst.

The R-band magnitude of the afterglow in the first image is:

UT Time         Delta-Time  R magnitude     error
01:13:03.6      43.0 s       15.27           0.13

Reported magnitudes are relative to the R1 magnitudes of five
stars in the USNO-B catalog.

Additional observations are underway.
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