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GCN Circular 4220

GRB 051109: PROMPT Detections
2005-11-09T06:20:02Z (19 years ago)
Josh Haislip at U.North Carolina <>
J. Haislip, M. Nysewander, M. Bayliss, A. LaCluyze, D. Reichart, J. A.
Crain, and A. Foster report on behalf of the UNC team of the FUN GRB

Under the control of Skynet, PROMPT Temporary Telescope 3 automatically
observed the localization of GRB 051109 (Tagliaferri et al., GCN 4213)
beginning 1.7 min after the burst in repeating blocks of B and V.

PROMPT Temporary Telescope 5 joined PROMPT-3 15.6 min after the burst in
repeating blocks Rc and Ic.  These observations were carried out in synch
with PROMPT-3's observations.

We detect the afterglow (Rykoff et al., GCN 4211) in single V, Rc, and Ic
exposures and measure its brightness to be V ~ 16.6 mag at 3.3 min after
the burst.

PROMPT is still being built and commissioned.
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