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GCN Circular 426

GRB 991014, Optical Observations
1999-10-19T14:46:30Z (25 years ago)
Sergei Guziy at Astro.Obs. of Nikolaev State U. <>
S. Guziy, A. Shlyapnikov (Astro. Obs. Nikolaev Univ.),
R. Hudec (Astro. Inst. Ondrejov),

"We obtained 2 images in the R band of the region for GRB991014
(GCN 417). The total integration time is 1200 s (2x600s).
These images were started  Oct. 15.96, after the 25.2 hours
after the burst on the 0.7 m telescope Astro. Obser. of
Nikolaev Univer. The limiting magnitude was about 19.2.
Comparison with the Digitized Sky Survey does not reveal
any new object brighter than about 19.5 in the intersection
of the error regions.

This message may be cited."
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