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GCN Circular 4285

GRB 051117B: Lulin R and I band observation
2005-11-17T18:18:52Z (19 years ago)
Yuji Urata at RIKEN <>
GRB 051117B: Lulin R and I band observation

Y.T. Chen, K.Y. Huang, W.H. Ip (NCU), Y. Urata(RIKEN), Y. Qiu (BAO),
Y.Q. Lou (THCA) on behalf of EAFON report:

" We started R and I band imaging observation for GRB 051117B (Band et
al., GCN 4281) with Lulin 1-m telescope at 14:11 UT (48 minutes after
the burst). The stacked I-band image made from 9 x 300 s exposure
shows a very faint sources at RA=05:40:43.3 Dec=-19:16:26(edge of
Swift/XRT error region; Beardmore et al. GCN4282). The brightness
calibrated with USNO-B1.0 catalog is about I=20.6.  We could not find
this source in stacked R-band image made from 3 x 300 s exposure
brighter than R < 20.8 (SN=3).

Further observation and analysis are in progress."

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