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GCN Circular 4331

GRB 051210: Swift/UVOT upper limits
2005-12-12T01:34:05Z (19 years ago)
Alexander Blustin at MSSL-UCL <>
A. J. Blustin (UCL-MSSL), V. Mangano (INAF-IASS), W. Voges (MPE),
F. Marshall (GSFC), N. Gehrels (GSFC) on behalf of the Swift/UVOT
team report:

The Swift/UVOT began observing the field of GRB 051210 at 05:47:43
UT on 2005-12-10, 70 s after the BAT trigger (Mangano et al., GCN
4315). No source was observed in any of the UVOT filters at the
refined XRT position (Mangano et al., GCN 4320) or at the position
of the Magellan source (Bloom et al. GCN 4330). 3-sigma upper limits
in summed images from each of the filters are listed below (not
corrected for extinction; E(B-V) = 0.019).

Filter   T_range(s)  Exp(s)  3sigUL(mag)

V        70-76498    3721    20.6
B        450-74933   4954    21.7
U        395-70715   4276    21.2
W1       341-81624   4338    21.7
M2       287-80716   4377    22.1
W2       558-75839   4005    22.3
White    503-931      100    19.9
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